In this month's video market update, managing broker Jared Reimer breaks down the regional price gains and what we can expect during the next few months. Prices continue up, up, up at a remarkable pace in Fort Collins, Greeley, and Loveland/Berthoud. To really understand how your neighborhood is being affected by rising prices, give us a call, text or email and we'll be happy to provide a complimentary market analysis.
Video Market Update - May 2015
The Craft Broker

About the Author: Jared Reimer is a native Coloradoan and an Associate Broker at Elevations Real Estate in Old Town Fort Collins. He’s a community advocate, business champion, blogger, leader, tireless volunteer, innovator, thinker and expert on all things real estate in Fort Collins and surrounding Northern Colorado. You’re likely to find Jared spending quality time outside with his wife, Kacie, and young son, Hudson, or sharing a beer or two with a friend throughout Fort Collins. Call or text Jared at 970.222.1049 or email him at