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Advice and Guidance

Your Perfect Windsor Home

Paralysis by analysis can be a common problem for buyers in Windsor because of the abundance of choices one can make while buying a home. When it comes time to make an offer, some buyers could be fearful of making the wrong decision and getting stuck. Buyer's remorse is common among buyers who lack clear direction and education. Only after going through a simple, three step process can you avoid the buyer's remorse and find your perfect Windsor home.

Needs Analysis

As a Realtor, it is imperative early on that we take the time to get on the same page with you when it comes to your needs and wants. It may sound simple, and as much as married couples do communicate, sometimes there are disagreements and questions that will pop up during the needs analysis. That's why working with a us is so important. We'll be able to impartially and objectively advise you on your needs and which could or should take priority. Remember, wants are different than needs. Dealbreakers exist and should be given priority, however, understand that you will never find your perfect Windsor home that matches 100% of your needs and wants, unless you have an unlimited budget. Getting 7 or 8 of your top 10 needs means you should write an offer.


Your perfect Windsor home will likely be the biggest purchase and investment you'll ever make, so spend wisely! Although you may qualify for much more than you've considered, make sure your monthly payment will be in line with your ultimate long term goals. Buyers often get caught up in the process and see everything they want and pay the price only to find out the monthly payments are bit higher than their comfort level. Keep in mind on top of mortgage payments, there are HOA dues, taxes, insurance, maintenance, and utilities. The best buyers can combine their needs within their ultimate budget.

Overall Feel

When you walk into your perfect Windsor home, it should sing to you. You'll start to visualize yourself moving in and placing your imaginary furniture in the blank spaces of each room. Chances are, if you walk in and the home doesn't feel right, there is no chance it'll ever feel quite right. Never try to fit a square peg into a round hole by forcing your needs into a home that doesn't feel right, just because it might have the right price tag or location. Your perfect Windsor home shouldn't require effort to make it so. It just appear and wow you from the beginning.


About the Author: Jared Reimer is a native Coloradoan and an Associate Broker at Elevations Real Estate in Old Town Fort Collins. He’s a community advocate, business champion, blogger, leader, tireless volunteer, innovator, thinker and expert on all things real estate in Fort Collins and surrounding Northern Colorado. You’re likely to find Jared spending quality time outside with his wife, Kacie, and young son, Hudson, or sharing a beer or two with a friend throughout Fort Collins. Call or text Jared at 970.222.1049 or email him at Jared@TheCraftBroker.com